Racial Trauma Therapy
Do You Need To Process And Heal The Traumatic Impact Of Racism On Your Life?
Are you a BIPOC individual who is exhausted from dealing with racism? Are you numb from the painful racial experiences that left you facing complex emotions, such as anger, fear, confusion, grief, or anxiety?
Perhaps you have realized that you carry a generational imprint for racial trauma from your family line. Or maybe you fear the impact of your trauma and how it might harm your emotional well-being, relationships, and quality of life for years to come.
Additionally, the racial inequality in our society makes it hard for you to achieve your goals. You often must work harder to attain a high-quality education, find a safe and accessible neighborhood to live in, or receive the promotion that you are well qualified for.
Racial Trauma Affects Every Part of Your Life
If you have experienced racism in its various forms—such as micro-aggressions, discrimination on your job, or other racial injustices—you may find yourself feeling stressed or depressed. Perhaps you have become hypervigilant about your surroundings and relationships. Or you might feel the need to “code-switch” or present a more racially palatable image of yourself in majority-white environments. You may even silence who you are just to “fit in.”
Racial trauma can also leave you with feelings of shame, causing you to isolate yourself from others. You may even suffer from panic attacks, addiction, hypertension, workaholism, or other medical issues.
The trauma of racism is real.
Insideout Living has a step-by-step process that creates a safe and validating space where you are seen, heard, and acknowledged. We use a community approach of addressing the particular needs of BIPOC brothers and sisters, including practices embedded in cultures that are passed down through generations and that provide resiliency and healing.
Racial Inequality Can Place BIPOC Individuals At Higher Risk For Mental Health Issues
Unfortunately, our society has yet to correct its injustices and is still plagued with systemic racism. It has merely transformed centuries of dehumanization, oppression, and violence against Black people into more nuanced, structural, and institutional forms of oppression.
This oppression also extends to other marginalized BIPOC groups such as Native Americans, Latinx, and Asians. As a result, racism has caused many BIPOC individuals to distrust institutions and experience inequities on every level. Cultural competency and empathy are needed to build trust and connection.
The Insideout approach for providing racial trauma therapy is collaborative, clinically informed, and heart-centered. Your therapist or coach will understand the BIPOC experience and give you the support needed to heal.
Racial Trauma Therapy Can Help You Heal From Past Injustice And Work Through Your Emotions
If you are looking for a safe space where you can share your racial experiences without fear of judgment or gaslighting, then racial trauma therapy could be for you. Therapy can help you forge a trusting relationship with a therapist so that you can deal with obstacles from a more rooted and informed perspective.
The therapists at Insideout Living, Inc., cultivate an open, compassionate environment where you can find validation for your experiences and emotions. We have therapists on our staff who have helped many clients deal with experiences that have caused racial trauma: discrimination, racial abuse, police violence, difficult experiences as immigrants of color, ethnic cleansing or torture, and more.
What Therapy Can Do for You
Racial trauma therapy can help you give voice to silenced experiences and put words to emotions so that you can holistically address your struggles. What’s more, therapy can help relieve stress in daily life, whether it is race-related or not. And it can equip you with the resources to cope with racial injustice and build the intuitive skills to assess your environment so you can avoid harmful situations in the future.
Racial trauma therapy can also help you:
Develop stronger boundaries
Identify successes and challenges
Find validation for your experiences
Cultivate internal and external spaces of safety and self-care
Understand how experiences in your past serve as triggers today
Develop effective strategies to address overt and covert racism in different areas of your life
Identify the intergenerational trauma and ingenuity that has both hurt and helped you in life
An Holistic Approach Can Provide Powerful Healing
We pride ourselves in our holistic approach to treatment which, when coupled with talk therapy, can be a powerful tool for healing. A holistic approach will allow you to connect more deeply to your mind, body, and spirit.
Additionally, a holistic approach allows you to develop empathy for yourself and understand that negative beliefs are the result of the systemic programming we all experience—external messages that you have taken on internally. Through radical acceptance of what you have experienced and your BIPOC identity, you can begin to make changes and develop solutions to address your racial trauma through radical love.
It takes courage to seek help when society is filled with racial trauma every day. Our therapists have helped many BIPOC people work through lifetimes of difficult racial experiences and rewrite parts of their stories that do not fit their narratives.
We believe we can do the same for you.
Maybe you still have questions about racial trauma therapy...
I always thought therapy was for white people.
Anyone—Black, Native American, Asian, Hispanic, White—can benefit from therapy. And racial trauma therapy can specifically help you improve your quality of life and work through painful experiences to find healing.
For a BIPOC person, therapy can be particularly liberating if the therapist mirrors their culture and if they have competency and empathy for the BIPOC experience. Our therapists come from diverse backgrounds to take the journey with you as practitioners of anti-racism.
I don’t need therapy because I pray.
God is a wonderful resource you can access whenever you desire. The benefit of therapy is that it is an empirically validated solution and has been proven to be an effective solution to problems.
Perhaps try God and racial trauma therapy. With the right therapist, you can experience a sense of safety and grow from hurtful or challenging experiences. Therapy can help you address a physical world in real-time as God unleashes His power as well.
I can’t afford it.
If your insurance provider is Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO, we may be able to cover some out-of-network benefits. Please contact us to see if we might be able to help. We can also provide referrals for those whose healthcare cannot be covered under Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance.
Are You Ready To Take Back Control And Heal From Racial Abuse?
You may not be able to eliminate every bad racial experience, but you can prepare yourself to deal with these experiences if they arise. If you are ready to take the next step toward more control over your life in moments of racism and discrimination, please call us.