Called to Love


In a world within or without, it’s easy to be numbed as a result of being overwhelmed by not being able to find solutions for change. If you’re like me, too often I reach to the intellect to find the answers, only to move farther from solution. Some define insanity as doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. That’s me! Thinking my way out. Just like the darkness cannot overwhelm light, fear cannot overwhelm love. True and radically different from how most of us live. In living with teens I’m constantly challenged to meet our typical conflicts with “authority”, top down, it usually ends in frustration for all parties and at best a superficial change. I notice the strength of my authoritarian approach is directly related to my fear and need to control. When I move in to embrace versus emotionally distancing, love is given room to soften. In this softened space, opportunities for mutually respected boundaries emerge. Called to love moves us into places of faith and we meet all of our resistances along the way. With love as our internal guide the resistances no longer serve us and begin to disappear.


Peace Through Service


AFGO (Another Freakin’ Growth Opportunity)